People from all parts of the Christian spectrum have weighed in on a pre-publication edition of “Against Calvinism” – excerpts are shown below.
Gerene Haan Kropscot, Michigan:
I thought yesterday, I am very busy today and I want to really concentrate on this book… I waited until tonight to read it. Honestly, I can’t find ONE single mistake ANYWHERE!!!!!! I think the premise is perfectly accurate…
Jeff Ryan, pastor, Calvary Bible Church, Rogers City, Michigan
Great job to all three of you guys! I hope you find a way to get this out…..I think it would serve a good purpose for many.
Keith Tacey, missionary, South Vietnam
I wanted to argue against the premise of this book so bad…but you can’t argue with the Truth of God’s Word can you?
All kidding aside…
This book gave a tidy and historical backdrop and explanation of Arminianism and Calvinism.
It kept it simple, focused, and direct. No rabbit trails, no dead ends, no inflated opinions.
Best of all, it let the Holy Scriptures do the talking (albeit with some input from our friends Skeeter and Satch).
It was incredibly informative for such a light read.
Diane, Iowa:
I found it very easy to read and understand and it will be a treasure for younger Christians such as myself who can sometimes get lost in serious theological discussion. I plan to order some to give away so let me know how and when I can do that.
What a great resource the Lord has brought about through all of you! May the Lord bless this effort!
Mike Ratliff, Possessing The Treasure
I tied into the book with all my theology behind me to prove it wrong, but as I went through each set of proofs, I had to say that the lists were quite definitive. Well done gents!
Tim Kelbell, Missouri
Wonderful, insightful, and light-hearted! ‘Against Calvinism’ blessed me with its simplistic yet thorough explanation of the doctrines of grace, and its humor had me chuckling throughout.Peterson, Eddings, and Cardwell definitely did justice to this subject.
Cindy Marks, Florida
A most useful and necessary book to help understand both sides of the argument between the antithetical doctrines of Calvinism and Arminianism.
Diane, Theology For Girls
This is a terrific little primer on the history of the central doctrines of Calvinism and Arminianism – with a zany twist typical of these 3 Amigos. Highly recommended, especially to those new to or still inquiring about Reformation theology. A++ Good Job
Petra Hefner, Penned Pebbles
Heavens to Murgatroyd, Satch! Why didn’t somebody tell me that this book would be such a hoot? I hooted and hollered! And I chuckled ’til my innards hurt!
I pray that this little informative book will be as popular as I believe it will be! While the book isn’t exhaustive (since “exhaustive’ can be quite intimidating for folk like Skeeter), it does a mighty fine job in capturing and keeping the reader’s attention. The title alone is more than inviting! I think this book provides a good basic explanation of the subject at hand, and I think it clears up common misconceptions quite nicely. The summary is also a definite plus, and the scripture references talk for themselves!
The best of luck to the three of you. No, wait, that would be: The best of providence to y’all!
John Botkin, pastor, Crossway Christian Church, Michigan
Putting the fun back into fundamentalism, Refuting Calvinism is a whimsical foray into theological debate on a hot-topic issue today. Whether you are an Arminian or a Calvinist, or even unsure about such things, read this book. You will be glad you did.
D.B., Nevada
[My husband and I] both agree that this little book fills a nitch that we have not found. It condenses a lot of important church history and doctrinal information into one nifty, easy to read, package. Normally, we would have to pull about 5 books off our shelves to come up with all of that.
[My husband] is in charge of training small group leaders in the new church…. we are realizing that many of them do not even know what the doctrine of election is. Your book perfectly addresses other local issues as well, such as… “hyper-Calvinism” —loved how you addressed that!
Sheri Ingersoll, North Carolina
Clear and concise. Against Calvinism gets to the heart of the Gospel ~ Biblically. Just when we thought we’d heard all the Calvinist/Arminian arguments, these clever authors have come up with an original!
Herson Cruz, Fredericksburg, VA
“Heavens to Murgatroid”, this was a fantastic read. I really enjoyed reading of the history of Calvinism in the Introduction. I loved the way each doctrine was explained fully and the Scripture references were excellent. That’s something you won’t see from a modern-day Arminian, hence the blank pages.